Contact Ross here:
Mobile: 078430 64381
Rev Ross Munro
(Chaplain & Church-plant Leader)
When thinking about what to say here on our meet the team section. As I introduce myself the Rev Ross Munro to you all as the leader at The Gathering Belfast.
I found myself asking the question, “Why on earth do I do this ministry thing?” This role I know I’m blessed to hold, there must be an easier way to make a living?
Why did I make the decision to leave civvy street as they call it. To follow God’s call and serve Him in full-time ministry here in the COI.
The answer is really simple, because it comes down to one thing. The Love of God, it’s as simple as that! It was Sandy Millar who said,
“The call of God is a strange and wonderful thing. Try to explain it and you get lost, it’s the stirring of every part of one’s being, body mind and soul to the overwhelming love of God.”
What I’ve learn’t most and continue to learn is God’s not tight fisted with His Love and to know and receive this love is the greatest gift known to mankind. It’s my hearts desire that as you scroll through our site and I hope experience God’s love for you in person at one of our services.
It’s my prayer that you’ll meet a gathered people at The Gathering fully aware and reflective of His love for you and me. I do hope you enjoy browsing our site and one day I’ll be blessed by getting to meet you in person at our church.
Rev Ross
Andrew McCaw
(Youth & Young Adults Worker)
I'm Andrew, I help to co-ordinate all things Kids, Youth and Young Adults at The Gathering Church Belfast. A few things about me: I love all things coffee, Jesus and young people. My prayer is every young person can encounter the Love of Jesus, know His Grace & live it out, as well as having fun along the way!
Contact Andrew here:
Mobile: 074483 352114